Monday, September 28, 2009

Who Inspires You?

"Most Exalted is GOD, the only true King. Do not rush into uttering the Quran before it is revealed to you, and say, "My Lord, increase my knowledge." --Quran 20:114


In our discussion this week, we are going to look at inspirational people of faith. As we come to this topic, think about those people who have inspired you through their words, their deeds or in other ways. Is the person someone you know personally? Is the person an historical figure? Has the person inspired you to act intentionally or unintentionally? Is the person of the same faith or of a different faith or philosophy?

I can think of many people who have inspired me in my life. The members of my family are a group of people who have inspired me, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. My family continually positively challenges my faith by helping me further seek what it is that has brought me to this path on which I am.

My family is not the only group of people who have positively challenged me lately. I have been taking part in interfaith discussions with Christians through Understanding Islam sessions sponsored by a local church. The purpose of these discussions is to learn about Islam and learn about ways that Christians and Muslims can stay strong in each respective faith, but also learn how to build bridges with one another. The people in these sessions have made me really stop to think about why I am Muslim, what makes me a Muslim, how my beliefs are different from other religions/philosophies and how my beliefs are the same. I have enjoyed each discussion and look forward to developing lasting relationships with the people I meet.

I believe some of the most inspiring people of faith in my life are those who may not always agree with how I approach my spiritual path. I constantly look for ways I can ask God to "increase my knowledge" and believe this is absolutely done through these relationships.

How do you find inspiration in your faith?

Please share your thoughts with us at 8pm on Friday, October 2.


American Islamic Fellowship

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